Net2 / Paxton Access: How to open or unlock a door for longer for just one user.

One of my sites uses Net2 Lite / Paxton for their door control with ISO proximity cards.

They have a fairly short time period between “swipe” and the door locking again. This is fine for most users but one swipe card owner needed the door unlocking for much longer. These instructions may be useful for anyone who wishes to open a door longer for a disabled or wheelchair user or anyone who needs longer than the standard time to enter through a door or open a door before it locks.

Firstly you need to go into your Net2 software and turn on the Triggers and Actions option:

This enables the Triggers and Actions option on the navigation menu on the left. Click on Add at the bottom:

Now select “When a user is granted access through a door…” from the “Choose the type of event” drop down:

Now select the user from your list who needs the extended time:

On the next screen select a single door that they are going to go through (Do not select multiple doors,  I explain why at the end):

On the next screen select no delay:

On the next screen select the option to control a door:
net2-control-a-doorThen on the next screen select the option to open a door for a specific time:

On the next screen you need to select the door you want to open for the extended period of time. This should be the same as the door you selected in the 3rd step (above):

Save your rule! Repeat the above steps for each door that your user is likely to need longer opening times for.


Done.. the user will have longer to go through each door.

You _can’t_ select every door at once in the above wizards. You need one single entry per door!
If you select all doors at the 3rd and/or last stage you will find that when the user “swipes” at the entry door then _every single door_ in your establishment will unlock for the specified time because the “control a door” rule has been applied to every door!

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